The School is a duly registered enterprise managed by Shikshana Educational Investments and Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, a Company embarking into several areas of activity in the educational field. The management of Vidura College, Colombo, is in the custody of a Board of Directors comprising of several eminent educationalists and management leaders in Sri Lanka.
The Administration of the School is carried out by a distinguished Principal as its Chief Executive Officer.
After completing Grade 11 students will sit the G.C.E. (Ordinary Level) Examination, Sri Lanka, as Private candidates. Students proceeding further will sit the G.C.E (Advanced Level) Examination, Sri Lanka after compeleting Grade 13 as Private candidates.
Which Based on student's Z-score at the G.C.E (A/L), will be able to get admitted to a University in Sri Lanka.Visit the faculty page for more information.